ICT Capacity Building workshop for NGOs in Dehradun

A one day eNGO Workshop was organized by RLEK with the support of Digital Empowerment Foundation on Importance of ICT for 30 NGOs, Societies and Trusts from Dehradun on 17th June 2017, Saturday.
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have an important role and responsibility in the development of the Information Society and, as appropriate, in decision-making processes. CSOs should be a critical player and help assure that ICT is used in a way that targets and addresses specific development goals and priorities.
Although many CSOs are already active users of ICTs, much more needs to be done to strengthen skills in the sector. The introduction and integration of ICTs represents huge opportunities, as well as challenges, in the process of transforming and strengthening the CSO sector.
The main aim behind organizing this workshop was to strengthen the felt need of the NGOs to have a well functioning website and the basic knowledge to maintain it and regularly update it. As this is a field that is very expensive and technical support also require a lot of funds. With government’s new policy of Digitalization and computerization, NGOs were in need of such input that they could use.
RLEK held this workshop in the auditorium where organizations and trusts working in different social sectors participated and benefitted, Members from Aasra Trust, Latika Roy Foundation, DISHA, SAMADHAN, SEAD etc. participated. Mr. Anand Kumar was the resource person from Digital Empowerment Foundation who addressed the workshop.
Padamsri Avdhash Kaushal, chairperson RLEK, said “Our organization has always believed in marching with times and since digitalization, website management etc. are the need of hour so we stepped in for this capacity building workshop and we always believe in taking others along with us. I am sure this will be hugely benefiting for all”.